Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Soooo I have to go to Hawaii. Key phrase: have to. It's for work. Sometimes you can't fake everything in a studio (or in Malibu), so this crew is headed to the Hawaiian Islands. This means I'm ridiculously busy and tired and mostly working in the LA office this week (did I mention I was supposed to have this week off?!) to get everything ready. We leave early Saturday. Everything is suuuper stressful here. Lots of material for the next "Shit My Bosses Say." Might do one tomorrow WHILE I'm at work if I feel like a bored renegade. Work travel sounds all fun, but I'm tired of it. In the last two months alone I've had long jobs in Vancouver, Memphis, Dallas and Baton Rouge. My hours have been too long for any real enjoyment, but Hawaii should be different, I'm told. We're all looking forward to some extra on-location downtime and actually packing our swimsuits for this one. Drop by Thursday for some kind of experimental Hawaiian dish attempted while drunk on pina coladas in honor of my upcoming trip. I promise to post a picture of whatever the result is, small kitchen fires included.

A very fitting: Mahalo.

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